End of ADS-L Digest - 3 May 1995 to 4 May 1995 ********************************************** There are 18 messages totalling 461 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. New Book 2. negatives and positives (3) 3. new word? (3) 4. Thagomizer 5. "86" 6. 86 7. Cross-post: on n X short of a Y (2) 8. tected (2) 9. SPCL Meeting at the 1996 LSA Meeting 10. Anodyne expletives (2) 11. govt work ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 01:30:56 CDT From: "Donald M. Lance" Subject: Re: New Book Yes, Cutler's book on Amerindian borrowings in excellent. Linguists will wish he had given more detailed etymologies and had generallyexpanded his discussion. It is very well researched. Has glossaries, and tabulates borrowings by decades. Does not include proper nouns. I reviewed it for _Ethnohistory_, so I gave it a good reading. DMLance