Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 17:10:17 -0400 From: "Christopher R. Coolidge" Subject: Re: Textbook Query On Mon, 8 May 1995, Wayne Glowka wrote: > Book orders are due tomorrow. Finally, after fifteen years of wishing, > I'll be teaching linguistics to sophomores in the fall. A colleague and I > are thinking of using Fromkin and Rodman. Has anyone used this text? How > did it work? Is there perhaps a better text to use? > Fromkin and Rodman is very good for the beginning to intermediate under- graduate level. The prof in Intro to Language here at UVM used it in his class, and I got an A- after being out of college for ten years. It's one of the few textbooks that's actually a fun and even humorous read. (The prof in question, James Lubker is friend of the Fromkin family; his daugh- ter Desa is mentioned in the book a couple of times, in a couple of the syntactical examples) > > Wayne Glowka > Professor of English > Director of Research and Graduate Student Services > Georgia College > Milledgeville, GA 31061 > 912-453-4222 > wglowka[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] >