Don Livingston (Graduate Student)
4500 Whitman Ave. North #2 Dept. Slav. Lang. & Lit., DP-32
Seattle, WA 98103 University of Washington
Phone/Fax (206) 634-1539 Seattle, WA 98195
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1993 19:55:39 -0800
From: Donald Livingston deljr[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Subject: Proverb
Somewhere over the last year I encountered a proverb or
saying that expressed the following idea: When in John's house,
dont' rave about Jim's talents/possessions/activities lest John
feel that you are obliquely slighting him (John) by not saying the
same of him. Does anyone know a proverb to that effect? I think
it was an English language proverb, but could have been Slavic or
Semitic. Thanks for you consideration!
All the best, Don.