Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 15:06:26 EST
Subject: American Culture and All Saints & All Souls Days
The last posting about the cultural differences between North American and
Mexican celebrations of All Saints Day and All Souls Day jogged my jaded
memory and put me in a time when those days were more meaningful--days when
I was under the power of Presentation nuns from Ireland. Halloween was, of
course, Halloween--trick or treat, bubble gum in locks, water balloons, and
all the fun of grease paint and sneaking out a pillow case instead of the
dumb grocery bag my mother wanted us to use to hold our candy and bruised
mushy apples. But All Saints Day was a holiday from school, a bright sunny
southcentral Texas day to eat candy in the yard while numerous bees tried
to steal the last bit of sweetness they could before a blue norther came
down from the hill country and chased them into winter hiding. Sugar-hyped
kids would then attend evening mass with their families in the dark
November night. All Souls Day was a special dark day of repentance
following the orgy of Halloween and the brightness of the liturgical
readings of All Saints Day. It seems to me that we were allowed to stay in
the church on that day as long as we wanted in order to pray for the souls
in purgatory. The prayers were prefaced with pleas from the nuns about the
suffering going on there that could be alleviated through our efforts. Our
hands still sticky with candy, we placed them together in the gesture of
reverence and tried to help the people from the awful fire. Whew!
We didn't have picnics on dead folks' graves, but we had a cultural experience.
P.S. Our lab school here at my college cannot celebrate Halloween with the
small children because some parents object to demon worship, etc. The
children celebrate Harvest, dress up as storybook characters, and visit
offices that invite the children to come get candy.
Culture changes.
Wayne Glowka
Professor of English
Director of Research and Graduate Student Services
Georgia College
Milledgeville, GA 31061