Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 16:54:59 PST
From: "CAVEMAN -- San Bernardino, Calif. USA" cjcoker[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CSUPOMONA.EDU
Subject: Re: who is african american
Hi, Chuck Coker here. Got the following from Shani N. Walker:
I know that biologically speaking, there is no such thing as "race."
Is there a another use of the term "race" other than in bigotry (and
government)? This is a serious question -- no humor this time.
Chuck Coker
PS: I was accepted into college because of "Native American," I believe.
I don't know exactly what you are asking for, except to say that I am an
African-American female who does not get offended by being called this,
because I know who I am, regardless of what people call me. Labels that
society puts upon people of the minority races are only temporary...I
don't get too caught up in labels...who knows, the next thing "they"
may call us are African-Black-Negro Americans...who's to say?
Question to you: why do applications have a question regarding your
ethnic background? I know to answer the question is only optional, but
why is it asked in the first place? Do you have a theory?
Shani N. Walker
Morehead State University
Morehead, Kentucky
I don't remember what the original posting was, but I was responding to
someone else's posting in the above. That's why it appears not to make
a whole lot of sense. I think somebody said they got a job or something,
because their skin was the "right color" or something like that. (Do I
use too many words beginning with "some"?)
As far as name-calling, personally, I don't really care what I'm called;
I don't even care if it's polite or not.
About the ethnic background question, you see that more often in
government and government-related industries (schools are gov't, too,
as I am sure we're all painfully aware). I used to own a heavy-truck
repair shop in Orange, California. Because I serviced all the Roadway
Express trucks in Orange County, and Roadway hauled stuff for the feds,
etc., I was indirectly connected to the government. So I had to ask
stupid questions like ethnicity and such, so I could report to the
government that my business was an Equal Opportunity Employer and I
didn't discriminate because of race, sex, religion, ad nauseum. My
personal opinion? Can you fix trucks? Yes? You're hired, even though
you have purple (or whatever color) skin.
When I entered college, at that school there was 0.6% Native American
and Alaskan Eskimo ethnicity. (Alaskan Eskimo? What about the others,
Canada, Greenland, Siberia, etc.? Maybe they're not minorities.) I
looked good on their statistic sheets. But what the (insert favorite
word here), I got into college.
Other people might have other opinions and facts (I'm sure they do).
Maybe some of them will respond.
Comments and Flames Always Welcome,
Chuck Coker
P.S. I do computer work now. Had to get out of the truck-repair business
because there was getting to be too much government stuff; I couldn't
take it anymore. Ask your mechanic next time how come he has to charge
you so much money.
There have been no dragons in my life, only small spiders and stepping in gum.
I could have coped with the dragons.
Anonymous (but wise)