Date: Sat, 5 Nov 1994 12:23:00 EST
From: "Dennis.Preston" 22709MGR[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: "them" singulars
Since I was the first to respond to the silly notion that they/them singulars
was somehow learned as s response to current PC trends, I suppose I should
answer again, although soem have already been kind enough to point out that
this usage is common in the speech of many (most?) Americans, and I certainly
learned and used it (with perfect clarity I might add) long before any current
political issues were involved (although historical facts relating to this
issue are much older than many assume, as Dennis (the other one) shows in his
1986 Grammar adn Gender (Yale Univ. Press).
As for the other of Lancaster's claims, particularly that we communicate
poorly as a result of breakdown in grammar, I can only utter (oooops! careful
with that only placement) the usual linguist's sigh. I suppose the loss of the
thou/thee/thine singulars did cause a little misunderstanding for a while (a
real grammatical breakdown) and I also assume that those who oppose such
breakdowns are 100% behind such repairs as you guys, you all, youse, and yuns.
(Why do I suspect that they are not? Is it for the same reason that
Michiganders yuk it up when hillbillies like me conflate pin and pen but don't
even get the joke when I laugh at their conflation of horse and hoarse -- what
conflation? They're pronounced the same, right? Yuk-yuk)
Dennis [dIn[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]s] Preston