Date: Sat, 5 Nov 1994 09:34:29 -0800

From: Birrell Walsh birrell[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]WELL.SF.CA.US

Subject: Re: "them" singulars

About the sociology of "they/them":

As a male who is NOT a feminist, who grows bilious at most PC euphemisms,

I (nonetheless) find merit in the argument that "he/him/his" is goofy.

It does NOT refer to a person of unknown gender: it refers clearly to a

man. So I think Dr. Lancaster is off on this one.

This leaves us with no graceful choice. "He/she" is hideous. "It" means

an inanimate, and would thus be appropriate for some people, but not


I find "they/them/their" the best of a bad set of choices.
