Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 17:43:54 CST
Subject: Re: Algonquian et. al.
In Message Mon, 7 Nov 1994 12:56:14 -0800,
Dan Alford dalford[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] writes:
I have no idea what Dr. Mufwene's native language is,
but the lack of such interpretation in his mind is *possibly*
because that language had male/female distinctions built in --
and I'm not sure how that correlates with the interpretations by
those without such distinctions.
I grew up speaking two Bantu languages: Kiyansi and (Kikongo-)Kituba and
claim to have them both as my native languages. According to the canonical
Bantu model, Kiyansi should have a noun class system in which the
Human/-Human distinction is quite central. However, I discovered about five
years ago that the verb's first syllable in Yansi varies according to tense
and mood but not according to person and number. At least in my dialect,
there is no evidence of subject-verb agreement. (I have discovered a number
of other diverging features from the Bantu canon that should be disturbing
for Bantu geneticists!) However, the pronominal system distinguishes between
humans and nonhumans. Kituba, a Bantu-based creole, follows more or less the
same system.
I suppose I was shocked mostly by the correlation of gender with
genetalia. Dan's analysis was made more interesting by a question I received
from my 6-year old daughter a couple of days before (more or less as follows):
"Daddy, how do you tell a baby girl from a baby boy?" I am sure several of
you parents and/or adults have received such questions. I was reminded of
Hilary Putnam's distinction between, on the one hand, the essential features
of gold or an elm, and on the other, the stereotypes by which the average
speaker operates. On the other hand, there might be more interindividual
variation in the conceptualization of meaning than I have made allowance for
in my assumption that communal linguistic systems are not monolithic.
Salikoko S. Mufwene
University of Chicago
Dept. of Linguistics
1010 East 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
312-702-8531; fax: 312-702-9861