Date: Tue, 8 Nov 1994 11:51:00 CST
Subject: NAMES
Last week I sent a message announcing two special issues
of NAMES - on computers and on statistics in onomastic
research and asked for contributions. The responses have been
enlightening, to say the least. I had not known that NAMES was
less known that it should be. Several people wrote to ask what
it was, what it dealt with, what was onomastics, etc. I thought
that the best way to introduce NAMES to members of the list would
be to give some general background and then present the tables of
contents from the last several issues. So here goes:
NAMES is the journal of the American Name Society. Now in its 42nd
year of continuous publication, NAMES publishes articles, short
notices and book reviews on all aspects of names and naming -
personal names, geographical names, uses of names, changing
patterns of names, conflicts involving names, names and
naming in literature, etc,etc. NAMES is a fully-refereed journal;
each submission is read by at least two qualified reviewers.
Tables of Contents follow - please make allowances for the
mainframe defaults which replace the diacritics and other
unreadable characters:
The Journal of the American Name Society
Volume 41 June 1993 Number 2
Nicknames in Urban China:
A Two-Tiered Model Robert L. Moore 67
Taking Thy Husband's Name:
What Might it Mean? Deborah A. Duggan,
Albert A. Cota, Kenneth L. Dion 87
Yahoo (Yahu): Notes on the Name
of Swift's Yahoos Richard Crider 103
In Memoriam
Margaret M. Bryant Leonard R. N. Ashley 111
Book Reviews
Acronymania: A Celebratory Roundup of
Nomenclature-Yielding Mischief.
By Don Hauptman Leonard R. N. Ashley 117
P~!jmen! v sou~asn ~e~tin~.
By Miloslava Knappov Ladislav Zgusta 120
The Book of African Names.
By Molefi Kete Asante
What's in a Name? Unaitwaje?
By Sharifa M. Zawawi
African Names: Names from the
African Continent for Children and Adults.
By Julia Stewart Edwin D. Lawson 128
Historia del nombre y de la fundaci"n
de M xico. By Gutierre Tib"n Ilan Stavans 131
Claims to Name: Toponyms of St. Lawrence County.
Edited by Kelsie B. Harder
and Mary H. Smallman Robert M. Rennick 135
The Journal of the American Name Society
Volume 41 September 1993 Number 3
Names and Naming Tell an Archetypal Story
in Margaret Atwood's
The Handmaid's Tale Charlotte Templin 143
Power and Placenames: A Case Study
From the Contemporary
Amazon Frontier J. Timmons Roberts 159
A Pair of Desert Saints:
Name Symbolism
in Peter Shaffer's Equus Hassell Simpson 183
In Memoriam
Michel Grimaud Lawrence M. Baldwin 195
Book Reviews, W.F.H. Nicolaisen
Edited by Lars Huld n 197
County Down III: The Mournes.
Edited by M!che l B. ~ Mainn!n 198
The Place-Names of Shetland.
By Jakob Jakobsen 199
Reader zur Namenkunde II: Anthroponymie.
Edited by Friedhelm Debus and Wilfried Seibi201
Das Vermessungsprotokoll f r das
Kirchspiel Ibbenb ren von 1604/05.
By G nter M ller 204
Philologie der ltesten Ortsnamen berlieferung.
Edited by Rudolf Sch tzeichel 206
West Lothian Place Names.
By John Garth Wilkinson 209
Copyright ~ 1993 by The American Name Society
ISSN 0027-7738
The Journal of the American Name Society
Volume 42 March 1994 Number 1
Designer Selves in Tom Wolfe's
The Bonfire of the Vanities and
Danielle Steel's Crossings Hildegard Hoeller 1
Multilingual Gods Anna Partington 13
Parisian Street Names in
George Du Maurier's Trilby Elizabeth A. Hait 19
Name, Memory, and Time in
Racine's Trojan War Plays Nancy M. McElveen 27
Book Reviews
Jewish Personal Names: Their Origin,
Derivation and Diminutive Forms.
By Shmuel Gorr David L. Gold 39
Apellidos catalanes: Her ldica de Catalunya.
By Augusto Cuartas David L. Gold 55
Studies in Third Millennium Sumerian and
Akkadian Personal Names: The Designation
and Conception of a Personal God.
By Robert A. Di Vito Juris G. Lidaka 61
The Ancient and Modern Names of
The Channel Islands: A Linguistic History.
By Richard Coates Leonard R. N. Ashley 65
Copyright ~ 1994 by The American Name Society
ISSN 0027-7738
The Journal of the American Name Society
Volume 42 September 1994 Number 3
Naming Patterns of Recent Immigrants from the
Soviet Union to Israel
Edwin D. Lawson and Irina Glushkovskaya 157
Reading the ~Deep Talk~ of Literary Names and
Debra Walker King 181
In Memoriam
Clarence L. Barnhart E. Wallace McMullen 201
Donald Thomas Clark Lurline H. Coltharp 204
Book Reviews
Language in Contemporary Society. Ed. by Jesse
Levitt, et. al.
Gaylord R. Haas 206
Kentucky~s Bluegrass: A Survey of the Post
By Robert M. Rennick. Kelsie B. Harder 209
Native Canadian Geographical Names: An
Annotated Bibliography. Kelsie B. Harder 212
The Guinness Book of Names, 6th ed. By Leslie
Frank Nuessel 213
Beyond Jennifer & Jason. By Linda Rosenkrantz
Pamela Redmond Satran.Cleveland Kent Evans 215
The Twelve Days of Christmas: The Mystery and
the Meaning.
By Thomas L. Bernard. Kelsie B. Harder 222
Dictionary of Russian Personal Names. By Morton
Ladislav Zgusta 223
George Washington Never Slept Here: Stories
the Street Names of Washington, D.C. By Amy
Richard R. Randall 225
Stories Behind the Street Names of Nashville and
By Denise Strub. Kelsie B. Harder 228
War Slang: American Fighting Words from the Civil
to the Present. By Paul Dickson.Kelsie B. Harder 231
Copyright ~ 1994 by The American Name Society
ISSN 0027-7738
NAMES welcomes manuscripts on any aspect(s) of names or naming.
Potential contributors need not be members of the American Name
Society to submit manuscripts.
I you would like to contribute to one or both of the special
issues, send an idea paper of not more than one page to the editor.
If you would like to submit a manuscript for a regular issue, send
three copies to the editor. For additional information about the
journal or the Society, or for a free copy of NAMES, write to the
Edward Callary
Editor, NAMES
English Department
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, Il 60115