Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 13:42:24 -0600
From: Natalie Maynor maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]RA.MSSTATE.EDU
Subject: Blast from the Past
Although I didn't save all of the early ADS-L mail, I did stumble across
the following in a file I had named ADS/misc/firstday:
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1991 08:52:36 EST
Subject: Re: We Are Still Four
To: Multiple recipients of list ADS-L ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA
In-Reply-To: Message of Mon,
25 Nov 1991 06:45:52 CST from nm1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]RA.MSSTATE.EDU
Hi Cindy, Natalie, and Bitnet-Beagle:
My, Natalie, you're an early riser this Monday AM.
ADS-L is off to a good start even if we DO only have three subscribers so far,
and that's because any start is a good start. We'll get more folks, especially
when Allan Metcalf puts a notice in NADS. In the meantime we can let people
know privately that the list is up.
Do either of you know, by the way, anything about the Heinle and Heinle
publishers of ESL materials?
Bill Kretzschmar
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1991 11:21:00 CST
From: Dennis Baron baron%UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Subject: knock knock
To: Multiple recipients of list ADS-L ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA
The response to the subject line is who's there? So that's
what I'm asking. I've never joined a list from the beginning
and I don't have a topic to introduce, other than to tell
Bill Kretzschmar I think this is a good idea and to ask if
we'll eventually get some sense of who is on the list. I've
been on several lists but always find the discussion tangential
to my own interests. Of course now that we have a list of our
own all this will change, right?
debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] ____________ 217-333-2392
|:~~~~~~~~~~:| fax: 217-333-4321
Dennis Baron |: :|
Dept. of English |: db :|
Univ. of Illinois |: :|
608 S. Wright St. |:==========:|
Urbana IL 61801 \\ """""""" \
\\ """""""" \
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1991 12:44:03 CST
Subject: Re: knock knock
To: Multiple recipients of list ADS-L ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA
So far there are just four of us: Dennis Baron, Cindy Bernstein, Bill
Kretzschmar, Natalie Maynor. Surely others will join us soon. Any time
you want to see a list of subscribers, you can send this command to the
listserv (listserv[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] or listserv[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]uga.bitnet):
review ads-l
If any of you know of people who want to be added to the list rather than
doing the subscribing themselves, tell them to send me a note. (I'm not
sure why anybody would find it easier to send me a note than to send the sub
command to the listserv, but you never know. Some people may be scared of
--Natalie (nm1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1991 15:49:51 EST
Subject: Membership and habits
To: Multiple recipients of list ADS-L ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA
In-Reply-To: Message of Mon,
25 Nov 1991 12:44:03 CST from nm1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]RA.MSSTATE.EDU
Hello, Dennis. Natalie forgot to mention that her dog is also a list member!
If we believe in animal rights that makes 5 of us; if not, 4 and a fraction.
I have written to Allan Metcalf to ask him to announce ADS-L in NADS. Until
then I wonder what we all think about announcing our existence. I imagine that
word will get around (I heard from John Baugh recently), but will we want to
post notice of ADS-L on WORDS-L or LINGUIST or HUMANIST or ANSAXNET? Natalie
and I thought not (in our brief founding conversation at SAMLA), but there are
other possible views. We have a list; let's discuss what we want on it.
I would suggest, for starters, a couple of habits (derived from membership on
ANSAXNET) that I hope we will encourage: 1) editing the subject line so that
messages sent with the reply function are on the same topic as the function,
and 2) signing messages at the end of the text instead of relying on sometimes
cryptic "From:" fields in the header.
Bill Kretzschmar
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1991 15:38:09 CST
Subject: Re: Membership and habits
To: Multiple recipients of list ADS-L ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA
Hello, Dennis. Natalie forgot to mention that her dog is also a list member!
If we believe in animal rights that makes 5 of us; if not, 4 and a fraction.
Not only is Bernard Chien Perro a list member, he's also a co-owner. Don't
worry -- he's experienced -- he's co-owner of WORDS-L also. And now we are
six, by the way. John Baugh has joined us.
post notice of ADS-L on WORDS-L or LINGUIST or HUMANIST or ANSAXNET? Natalie
and I thought not (in our brief founding conversation at SAMLA), but there are
other possible views. We have a list; let's discuss what we want on it.
Since subscription to this list is open to the public right now (which we
can change if that becomes a problem), it would probably not be a good idea
to announce the list very widely. That might attract list-hoppers with only
moderate interest in or knowledge of the topic. I don't think we really
want it to turn into something like WORDS-L. I say that with all due
respect for WORDS-L, a list I run and a list I love for reasons not related
to linguistics. (I'm already looking forward to the arrival of the WORDS-L
t-shirts and to the WORDS-L clambake that is scheduled for July 5 in
Providence, RI.) The traffic on WORDS-L often exceeds 100 messages a day,
about 5% of which are related to the topic. Announcing ADS-L on LINGUIST
might be ok. What do the rest of you think? I would vote a definite no
to announcing it on something like NEWLIST-L or having it listed in any
of the various lists of lists.
I would suggest, for starters, a couple of habits (derived from membership on
ANSAXNET) that I hope we will encourage: 1) editing the subject line so that
messages sent with the reply function are on the same topic as the function,
and 2) signing messages at the end of the text instead of relying on sometimes
cryptic "From:" fields in the header.
Bill Kretzschmar
Good suggestions.
--Natalie (nm1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1991 17:08:00 CDT
Subject: membership
To: Multiple recipients of list ADS-L ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA
Membership, I'm sure, will blossom once the word is out. The early
subscribers are the ones who use e-mail at least twice daily; we
have to remember that there are those who don't.
I'm working to complete grant proposals to fund Language Variety in
the South, which some of you know will be held in conjunction with
Spring SECOL 1993. I want to send drafts to NEH and NSF before
Dec. 1; any suggestions from those with experience in these matters
would be appreciated.
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 1991 21:35:55 CST
Subject: Heinle and Heinle
To: Multiple recipients of list ADS-L ADS-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA
Returning to Bill's question from this morning (when there were just three
subscribers to the list):
Do either of you know, by the way, anything about the Heinle and Heinle
publishers of ESL materials?
I sent the question to our ESL person and got this reply:
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 91 20:52:27 CST
To: nm1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]Ra.MsState.Edu
Subject: Re: Heinle and Heinle
Yes, in fact, at the Southeastern TESOL Conference, several participants
noted that Heinle and Heinle are now involved in a grammar project. It
looks very interesting although all I heard was a brief description by
some of those involved. It is my impression that the company is moving
agressively in ESL materials.
What exactly does the person want to know about the company?
--Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]