Date: Thu, 17 Nov 1994 10:05:05 EST
Subject: Re: WWW/Gopher/ftp
Natalie asks for material for these wonderful resources that will be
available even when some of us learn about gif and pif and dif and all
that wonderful stuff of which I am totally ignorant and incapable of
downloading now.
Straight text will do for a start. So far, our space is totally empty.
Are you out there, Allan? How about some kind of description/history of
ADS to use as a starting point for the Web page? If you send it to me
as ordinary ASCII e-mail, I can then add the cute little html linking
codes etc. -- if I can figure out what to link to it. This kind of thing
is fun. Unfortunately I keep being distracted by annoyances like work.
--Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Please! To me, whatever html linking codes are, they sound like strange
ogres living under this internet bridge, and this billy goat fears being
devoured or caught in some Web page. For those of us who travel this
super-highway in a horse and buggy, this doesn't sound fun.