Date: Thu, 17 Nov 1994 12:23:40 -0600
From: Katherine Catmull kate[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]BGA.COM
Subject: Re: WWW/Gopher/ftp
Please! To me, whatever html linking codes are, they sound like strange
ogres living under this internet bridge, and this billy goat fears being
devoured or caught in some Web page. For those of us who travel this
super-highway in a horse and buggy, this doesn't sound fun.
Oh, it is fun. Hypertext (html) allows you to follow your whims and
interests instantly while you're reading. With a click or two, you can
pursue a string of related documents stretching all over the world. Hop on
out of that horse & buggy and into Mosaic or something like it. The
software is free and easy, and the experience is liberating.