Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 16:43:43 CST
Subject: Re: Recent Black English
In Message Mon, 21 Nov 1994 13:03:44 -0500,
Sure, it's entirely possible that "HazVbitual BE" in AAVE doesn't mean
Habitual anymore. But nobody's addressed the question that raises in
my mind: what DOES it mean for Frazer's and other students? I think
speculating on diachronic change or Labov's having gotten it
influentially all wrong is silly until someone gives an example and
says what it's supposed to mean (though both could possibly be true).
Just one correction here: Did anybody mention Labov in the previous
discussion? My statement was in the plural about "influential outsiders" and
an invitation for those who have more experience with AAVE to articulate the
distinction in meaning for the rest of us. Neither did I speak of having it
"all wrong." The reply to Tim was that the student was partly correct; then I
proceded to make a distinction between repeated processes/states versus
basic habitual interpretation.
Also, what exactly does Habitual mean here? I buy Sali's
distinction in meaning between "He (ain't) lyin" and "He (don't) be
lyin", (though using negative examples needlessly is always asking for
trouble), but on my understanding they're both Habitual.
My contrast was only between HE DON' TELL LIES (basic habitual) and HE
DON' BE TELLIN LIES (repeated processes). You may say they are both
habitual, but the second is a specific kind of habit focusing on the process
part of the activity. As I said, the difference is perhaps more subtle than
most of us outsiders to AAVE may be able to articulate well. In my
interactions with African Americans, I perceive a semantic distinction
between the two kinds of habitual reports.
(Also I hear
both things on the street in DC with what seem to me the usual
readings-- so far as an eavesdropper can tell!)
I usually explain Habitual to students as involving two
things: 1) repeated action (as in Sali's interpretation of the BE
construction, which I gather he doesn't think IS habitual),
... which I just corrected. I think you misunderstood me (some other
readers may have too); I intended to clarify the distinction between the two
kinds of habitual, which I do not think are interchangeable without changing
Salikoko S. Mufwene
University of Chicago
Dept. of Linguistics
1010 East 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
312-702-8531; fax: 312-702-9861