Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 00:11:32 -0800
From: "Joseph B. Monda" monda[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]SEATTLEU.EDU
Subject: Re: "All-purpose tag ain' so?
I remember that in and around Milwaukee WI in 1949-51, folks would end a
statement with [en[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]] ([AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] is a schwa). I don't think it was a contraction
fro "ain't it." I had the feeling that it was a foreign word or phrase
--possible German maybe Polish, that performed the function of "nicht
wahr." But I was young and twenty. No use to ask me to pay attention.
The Milwaukee Germans kept a lot of German constructions and words in
their dialect. They pronounced Schroeder "shrader," and like that.
I suppose that's all gone, with "make the light out," et al.
Joe Monda
On Mon, 21 Nov 1994, THOMAS CLARK wrote:
Dear Joan,
Is this the same as "i'nnit" in various British productions: "It's the
same over there as here, innit?"
I seem to recall Inspector Morse saying, "Well, I don't know, do I?
It's my job, innit?"
On Mon, 21 Nov 1994, Joan Hall wrote:
DARE will include this in Volume III at _inso_ (contraction of "isn't it
so?"). I'll send you what we've found, Don.
Joan Hall