Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 11:14:18 -0600

From: Katherine Catmull kate[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]BGA.COM

Subject: Re: The great California freeway isogloss revisited

At 9:39 AM 11/30/94 -0600, salikoko mufwene wrote:

Incidentally, last weekend, in New Orleans, I

heard somebody (native speaker!) say that XYZ was too busy "watching the TV"

in the sense of what I have learned to say as "watching TV." Have you also

noticed this construction or did I just stumble on an idiosyncrasy?

My husband and his family commonly use this construction. They are Cajuns,

and natives of Port Arthur, Texas (on southern part of the Louisiana-Texas

border), if that makes any difference.

Kate Catmull kate[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]