Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 06:34:21 CST
Subject: Re: folk/folklore
In all the discussion of "pronouncing the l" in words like 'milk' or
'folk' or 'calm' everyone seems to equate "pronouncing the l" with
apical closure. Consider the vowel quality. In the case of yolk/yoke
apical closure seems to be simply present or absent. But phonologically,
if one "doesn't pronounce the l" in 'calm' or 'milk' one would be
saying 'cam' or 'mick'. These are lexical items with phonological
components and are acquired as part of a larger pattern. Is the [a] the same
in 'pom' and 'palm', and the same quantitatively? Is there any diphthongization
in these words in which "l is not pronounced"?
Wayne Glowka alluded to these aspects of "pronouncing the l" in his
"He cain't hep hissef." The people who really do not pronounce the /l/ will
also spell 'help' as 'hep' and have temporally short vowels in both words.
And some of the people who "cain't hep theirself" will have no -l- in 'elm'
and then use a vowel that suggests an ambiguous elm/ilm spelling. Southern
folk phonology and inflectional morphology are really interesting. But
the folk/foke phenomenon that started this thread is not a regional matter,
I suspect.
On another matter:
And thanks to Jesse Seidlower for the wonderful information on 'bite my
ass'. As Beavis/Butthead wannabes continue to unflinchingly say everything
"sucks," they may mess up lots of other old expressions that are
far enough away from the edge of gross to be useful to many of us old folks,
because they're salacious but not in-your-face gross. DMLance