Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 23:12:50 -0800
From: Rima & Kim McKinzey rkm[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]SLIP.NET
Subject: Re: folk/folklore
You wrote the long list, here's my response - NYC born & bred, Calif. more
than half my life now. Rima
psalm /sam/ salmon /saemuhn/ salmonella /salmuhneluh/
psaltery /sawltuhree/ sultry /sultree/ salty /sawltee/ saltine /sawlteen/
Faulk /fawlk/ Faulkner /fawknuhr/ Falcons /faelkuhnz/ falcon /faelkuhn,
fawl-/ falconry /fawlkuhnree/
fowl fowler foul fouler: all /fowl../
palm Palmer palmate pommade napalm: all /pam../
shelf /shelf/ chef /shef/ shelf-liner /shelf.../
balm bomb: /bam/
Bub /bub/ bulb /bulb/
pap /paep/ palpitation /paelpitayshuhn/
pup /pup/ pulp /pulp/
folk folks folklore folkdance folksong folksy: all /fok/
poke /pok/ pork /pawrk/ with a not very strong r Polk /pok/
poultry /poltree/ paltry /paawltree/ poetry /po-itree/
poultice /poltis/ poetess /po-itis/
walk /wawk/ wok /wak/
hep (as in "hep-cat") /hep/ help helper helpful: all /help.../
Alps Albert Alfred: all /ael.../
Camellia Amelia: /(k)uhmeelyuh/
altitude /aelti../ attitude /ati.../
all /awl/ Al /ael/ already "Al ready?" /awlredee, awredee/
y'all /yawl/ yawl /yawl/ yowl /yowl/
hall /hawl/ howl /howl/ Howell /howuhl/
pull /pul/ pool /pool/
bow (as in "bow tie) /bo/ bowl bowling bowler: all /bol.../
mall maul: both /mawl/ mallet /maelit/ malt /mawlt/
molt /molt/ moat /mot/
cold /kold/ code /kod/
hit /hit/ hilt /hilt/
sick/sik/ silk /silk/ sicky /sikee/ silky /silkee/
filters /filtuhrz/ fitters /fituhrs/
melt /melt/ met /met/