Date: Thu, 2 Nov 1995 10:49:01 -0500
From: Robert Kelly kelly[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]BARD.EDU
Subject: Re: fillim
One thing at stake might be the fact that in Irish (Gaelic), an
epenthetic schwa is natural between l and m, so ellum and fillum are
natural Irishisms in English. Considering the density of Irish
population in New York City during the years the so-called New York
speech arose, and many groups came to speak it, it's not surprising that
other ethnic speakers from NY would walk under ellum trees --- if there
were any left to walk under.
Robert Kelly
Division of Literature and Languages, Bard College
Annandale-on-Hudson NY 12504
Voice Mail: 914-758-7600 Box 7205
On Wed, 1 Nov 1995, SETH SKLAREY wrote:
I have two acquaintances who pronounce film with two syllables as
fillim or fillum. One blames his Irish roots and the other is
from New York and has a Jewish background. Does anyone have an
explanation as to a causal connection for either of these?
Seth Sklarey
David Rojas writes:
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
After the /I/ in 'milk', 'silk', and 'film', I do pronounce the /l/ before the
final consonant; however, in /a/ words such as 'balm', 'calm', 'balk', 'talk',
'walk', etc, I think I never pronounce the /l/ before the final consonant.
I would like to get some feedback on the distribution of this pronunciation
"rule" that I seem to express. D M Rojas (drojas1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]