Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 14:51:56 -0600
From: Cynthia Bernstein bernscy[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MAIL.AUBURN.EDU
Subject: Re: Funny Names for Newspapers
When I was an undergraduate at Cornell, the local ("townie") newspaper
--the Ithaca Journal--was dubbed the "Ithaca Urinal."
Cynthia Bernstein
Dept. of English
Auburn University, AL 36849-5203
On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, Winfield, Laurie wrote:
The Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch is often called the Richmond Times-Despair
by readers who yearn for more objective reporting.
From: American Dialect Society
To: Multiple recipients of list ADS
Subject: Funny Names for Newspapers
Date: Wednesday, November 08, 1995 2:12PM
While I'm on the subject on Rush Limbaugh, Rush was angry at a liberal
reporterette (caller's word) from the Atlanta Urinal/Constipation
Our local paper, the Union-Recorder, is often dubbed the Onion Disorder.
In West Chester, PA, I heard the Daily Local News called the Daily Lack of
News. My graduate student says that the Sandersville Progress is called
the Regression.
Surely, there are other funny monickers for papers around the country.
Please post them. I could use a laugh. The college is giving me a
paperweight today for 15 years of service.
Wayne Glowka
Professor of English
Director of Research and Graduate Student Services
Georgia College
Milledgeville, GA 31061