Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 08:26:34 -0500
From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: Knarly?
Since I am one of your plain old sociolinguists, I ain't into readin' and
writin' much. Privileges of occurrence among sounds (in terms of linear
order) are known as 'phonotactics.' Does Tony's account amount to a
'graphotactic' explanation? Is there such a convention among those of you
who study writing systems? I remember studies of long ago which looked at
'grapheme-phoneme correspondences'; perhaps they contained such
Dennis Preston
I think Shaw's example was "ghoti" with gh from rough. What GBS did
not understand was that "gh" does not occur in initial position "o" does occur
in medial position as in "women" GBS's example, and "ti" of nation does not
occur in final position.