Date: Fri, 17 Nov 1995 13:49:44 -0600
From: "Kathleen M. O'Neill" koneil1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UIC.EDU
Subject: Re: POETS day
Isn't this expression what the Poets restaurant chain is referring to? I
had always assumed that the name of the restaurant was a take-off on
Fridays, a similar kind of restaurant that appeared shortly before Poets
did. Now that I think about it, I'm not positive that Poets is a chain.
But I assumed when it opened in Jackson (MS) fifteen or twenty years ago
that the name was an answer to Fridays, the chain that is really named
TGIFriday, I think. Fridays may be a regional chain, of course.
That's interesting.
I am familiar with Fridays,
or TGIFriday('s?), but not Poets.
;Kathleen M. O'Neill ... Language Laboratory Technician I ;
;University of Illinois at Chicago ... Language Laboratory ;
;703 South Morgan Street (M/C 042) ... Grant Hall, Room 311 ;
;Chicago, IL 60607-7025 ;
;312.996.8838 or 8836 ... 312.996.5501 FAX ;