Date: Sun, 19 Nov 1995 23:53:02 EST
Subject: Re: Don Nelson puts behind
In connection with the Great (Haas/Preston) Debate on clausemate
non-reflexives--there's another factor here. At least since G. Lakoff's Pro-
nouns and Reference (1968 or so), there has been a recognition that not all
nominals coreferential with a clausemate end up reflexive, even optionally.
Lakoff's example (one of them, anyway) was "John saw a snake near
him/*himself." One variable is whether the second (target) NP is an argument
of the verb, as objects are but locatives like 'near NP' aren't. Kuno has an
extensive helpful treatment from the point of view of (one brand of)
functional syntax in his book of the same name (Functional Syntax, that is,
1987), trying to work out the conditions under which we say "He pulled the
coat around him" and those under which we say "...around himself", both of
course taken as involving coference between puller and pullee. In this
perspective, Coach Nelson's putting his Warrior days behind him (and not behind
himself) is fine.
Incidentally, one variety of clausemate non-argument non-reflexive was
discussed on our list not that long ago:
I'm gonna get me a beer.
I bought me a new guitar.
Get you a copper kettle, get you a copper coil...
Of course, justifying the description of these benefactives as non-arguments
is another can of worms, one far be it from me to open.