Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 07:19:09 -0500
From: Charity Stafford cls[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]WORLD.STD.COM
Subject: Re: PC Language
Kate Catmull wrote:
most of a discussion of PC language snipped
For example, in this discussion, I kind of like some of the terms & ideas
listed as PC ("diversity," for example), and feel neutral about others
(dorm --- residence hall, checkup--- wellness check), while others
(procurement----- purchasing) strike me as foolish and comical.
Does this mean I'm a hopeless lefty, or what?
and later:
And what about my other
lefty and feminist friends who are for multi-culturalism but happen to
like Pinter?
To which Stephen replied:
From: Stephen lwyrnluv[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]IGC.NET
As a left-handed person, your use of the terms "lefty" and "hopeless
lefty" struck me as peculiar. As you used them, the terms seem to have a
somewhat negative connotation, which struck me as odd coming from someone
who seems to be concerned about political correctness. I am proud of being
a "lefty" and I certainly do not consider myself "hopeless" as a result.
What's the deal?
Now, Stephen may just possibly be parodying the urge towards
PC language, but I have to say, Kate's original post gave me
a weird feeling, too. I was going to just let it go, but since
Stephen's already entered the fray...
I always thought that people who were on the political left
were left*ists* - those of us who write with our left hands
are the lefties. Apparently in Kate's personal lexicon the
one word does for both groups. However, particularly when
you're talking to left-handed folks, I think this is likely
to cause a certain amount of confusion and possibly consternation.