Date: Mon, 27 Nov 1995 08:27:32 -0500
From: "Dennis R. Preston" preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PILOT.MSU.EDU
Subject: Re: toboggan
Jim Stalker is right on about the 'tobaggon' business in KY (at least
Louisville area). I'm not sure if my use was idiosyncratic, but for me
(growing up in the same place at roughly the same time), a 'tobaggon'
additionally required an elongated top, with, perhaps, the prototypical
form having a fuzzy ball on the end. I had no term for 'knit cap' till I
was blown north in the 60's.
Perhaps we had names for only the cartoonish forms of this outerwear down
in Louisville since, unlike here in East Lansing, we didn't need the damn
things so often
Dennis 'Cold-ears' Preston
Students from Toledo OH and Michiganders use this term for a knit cap.
Not Michiganders from the East Lansing area. I grew up in KY in the 50s using
this term as the usual name for a knit cap (a term I never used until I lived
in Michigan). I check the term regularly with my students, and none have ever
heard it in the meaning 'knit cap,' only as a sled. The OED gives tobaggon
as US, with earliest example
from American Speech , V, 152, and two other examples, one from the Pacific
Spectator and one from the Raleigh (NC) News & Observer .