Date: Wed, 29 Nov 1995 10:27:20 -0600
Subject: Re: Separate dialects?
Tim Frazer wrote:
I think one reason is that that distincition was made by Kurath's Word
Geography, which is based on lexicon. But the lexicon which underlies
much of the word geography represents a bygone way of life. Since people
do not, for example, make cottage cheese at home anymore, disntinctions
like "Dutch Cheese" vs. "pot cheese" have disappeared (according to the
maps, "pot cheese" was in the Hudson Valley & came from the Dutch who
were there 200 years ago). I don't think the Hudson Valley was ever set
apart by phonology or morphosyntax.
This is interesting to me, since my work is mostly on the lexicon, which is
seen by many as marking only superficial dialect differences compared with the
more important phon. and syn. ("structural") diffs. Kurath claimed that where
one finds lexical diffs, there are likely to be other types of diffs as well.
I would add that cultural features would be lilkely to differ too.
Are there other areas that people think are marked only by lexicon but not by
other features? I would expect the vocabulary to behave differently because
the rate of lg. change there seems more rapid and because of differences in
acquisition. I'd like to hear more on this topic.
Ellen Johnson