Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 20:57:52 -0500

From: "Margaret G. Lee -English" mlee[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CS.HAMPTONU.EDU

Subject: Re: "it's all good"

To be true to its African-American/"Ebonics" pronunciation, the phrase is

git-go. Mainstream speakers have tried to "standardize" or correct it by

pronouncing it "get-go."

On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Emerson, Jessie J wrote:

Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 09:12:55 -0600

From: Emerson, Jessie J jjemerso[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]INGR.COM


Subject: Re: "it's all good"

The phrase "from the git-go" (get-go?) has been around far longer than

hip-hop or rap, if that was the implication from Margaret's message.

The phrase means "from the beginning" and has been used in the South for

a number of years. I don't know about the origins, and it certainly

could've originated from the African American community here decades


Jessie Emerson

Margaret Lee wrote:

As with much slang that eventually enters mainstream usage, "It's all

good" originated in the African American community about four years


essentially a product of hip-hop/rap culture. That and "my bad,"

"dis," hood," "git-go," "squat," and many other expressions underscore


long rich tradition of the linguistic creativity of African Americans.