Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 14:29:22 -0500
From: Jesse T Sheidlower jester[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]PANIX.COM
Subject: Garbage In, Garbage Out (fwd)
Barry Popik has asked me to forward this message to ADS-L
about the expression "garbage in, garbage out." (This is, in
fact, found in RHHDAS under "GIGO"; we consider the abbreviation,
but not the proverbial expression, to be slang, but our
earliest is the 1964 cite from Oxford.)
Jesse Sheidlower
----------------- Begin forwarded message from Barry Popik ------------
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs has 1964. It's not in RHHDAS.
I found it (with an illustration) on page 28, Aerospace Accident and
Maintenance Review, May 1961.
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