Was something official passed in 1918? This is from the Milwaukee

Journal, 19 April 1918, pg. 16, col. 3:


St. Louis, through its Chamber of Commerce, has decided how its own name

should be pronounced. It should, according to this edict of

"self-determination," be broadly anglicized and called "St. Lewis." "St.

Louis" is officially tabooed. There is good sense in this grave decree.

English-speaking peoples anglicize the names of important cities in foreign

countries, and there is no reason why they should retain foreign

pronunciations for cities of their own. No one with good sense calls Paris

"Paree." We say "Rome" instead of "Roma," "Vienna" instead of "Wien,"

"Naples" instead of "Napoli," "The Hague" instead of "Den Haag," "Brussels"

instead of "Bruxzelles," "Copenhagen" instead of "Kjobenhavn." Charity of

this kind surely should begin at home. "St. Louis" is, indeed, no more than

conscious or unconscious affectation. "St. Lewis" is the right way, in

English, to pronounce the name of an American city spelt "S-a-i-n-t

L-o-u-i-s."--Cleveland Plain Dealer.
