Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 12:24:51 +0900
From: Daniel Long dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]X.AGE.NE.JP
Subject: Re: stay and live
David A. Johns wrote:
this was something i had to learn when i moved to south africa, so
never noticed it when i lived in illinois, so i'm guessing it's
chicago-specific, aave-specific, or just odd.
"Stay" for "live" is normal among both blacks and whites here in
South Georgia.
In West Tennessee, "stay" was perfectly normal for blacks, but it was
marked (even stereotyped) as such. Very unusual in white speech.
Danny Long
Daniel Long, Associate Professor NEW tel +81-6-723-8297
Japanese Language Research Center NEW fax +81-6-723-8302
Osaka Shoin Women's College dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
4-2-26 Hishiyanishi
Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka Japan 577