Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 09:03:14 +0200
From: Liudmila Kostiukevich lvk[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]USM.MD
Subject: Re: Stupid question dept.
The spelling of the word can be both: lutenist and (more often) lutanist.
On Wed, 12 Nov 1997, Peggy Smith wrote:
O.K. So I was driving to work this morning listening to a lute piece on
the classical station. When the piece was done, the announcer said
something about the musician, who was described as a lutenist. (I am
guessing at the spelling.) The word was repeated for all of us who
had never heard it before, so I am sure it is correct. My stupid
question is: if a flute player is a floutist, why isn't a lute
player a loutist?
Just wondering.
Peggy Smith