In my "No Man's Land" posting, the alleged author of that phrase also

claimed authorship of "Let's go!" This is from the Milwaukee Journal, 1

March 1919, pg. 4, col. 3:


It was left for the colored troops to coin one of the most distinctly

American slogans of the war. A colonel of one of the negro regiments stated

that his men received every order with the formula: "Let's go!" Were they

told to march, to patrol, to raid or to charge, they answered with the same

expression of hearty good will--and went. "Let's go!" It is a truly

American sentiment. It expresses action, rather than waiting. It is what

the whole nation said when the period of letter writing was over. It was the

fighting watchword from Cantigny to Sedan. Nay, it is the watchword still,

for when America is called upon to go over the top for a lasting peace, be

sure she will answer, "Let's go."--Chicago Journal.
