Date: Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:16:18 -0500

From: sonja lanehart lanehart[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ARCHES.UGA.EDU

Subject: survey of attitudes and beliefs

A colleague (in Education) and I (in English and Linguistics) received a

collaboration grant to conduct a study on pre-service teachers' beliefs

and attitudes about language variation and linguistically diverse

students. The purpose of the project is to explore preservice teachers'

understandings of language variation, their attitudes towards linguistic

diversity, and the ways they plan on dealing with linguistically diverse

students in their classrooms.

What we'd like to ask is if anyone knows of an existing survey that looks

at any of these issues. We need to construct a survey and it would be

helpful if we knew of existing surveys we could access to help with this

project. Any help you can provide would be appreciated. --SL


Sonja L. Lanehart

Department of English My office: (706) 542-2260

Park Hall ENG office/message: (706) 542-1261

University of Georgia Fax: (706) 542-2181

Athens, GA 30602-6205 E-mail: lanehart[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
