Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 01:28:06 -0500
From: Jim Crotty Monkmag[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM
In a message dated 11/23/97 5:46:26 PM, you wrote:
Interesting that this issue of stereotypes should come up this weekend.
I happened to hear part of "What Do You Know" on NPR Saturday (a
terrible show, but sometimes I leave the radio on after "Car Talk"),
and who should be the guest of the day but Jim Crotty. He did part of
his stand-up road show on slang (read "dialects") and then launched
into a description of "Rap Talk," which he equated with "Ebonics."
Citing the usual oppositions ('bad'=good, etc.), he then said that to
do it right one should just forget about tense and use lots of "be's"
instead. The audience laughter was lukewarm, fortunately. When he was
asked how sales of his _How To Talk American_ were going, he answered
"pretty mediocre." Please, Mr. Crotty, drop the shtik; there's lots of
good scholarly stuff out there, if you really want to know something
about dialects.
How to respond.... Read my chapter on Black Rap speech before jumping to
conclusions.... What are you supposed to say when someone asks you about
Ebonics anyway? Yeah, it's cool. No, I don't think it should be taught as an
official language. Yes, there seems to be a distinct way that
African-Americans use language. Read Black Talk by Smitherman, Flapper 2
Rappers by Dalzell... and many others.... There seems to be a consensus that
there is something unique about the way some African-Americans use the
English language.
But, frankly, the whole subject of Ebonics bores me to death. It bored me
hearing it decried by racist Republicans at cocktail parties in Omaha, and it
bores me any time it's picked over now. I am not interested in pushing
stereotypes. I wasn't even interested in putting anything in the book about
rap culture and so-called "black speech" because it had been so well covered
elsewhere. But there's nothing I hate more than people saying "you left_____
out..." Or "why didn't you cover_____." And, the fact is, I've heard a lot of
"rap talk" or "black talk." So I put something in. I'll admit at 8:00 a.m. on
a Saturday morning I wasn't into talking about Ebonics. My usual "schtick" on
Ebonics is that "it's a good thing. Prefer not to talk about it. Drop your
judgments." Guess my guard was down.
Ebonics is not Rap (though in the mainstream mind I'm appealing to it's all
looped together). Almost all my rap terms in the book have very little to do
with accent, or even that much with uniquely African-American grammar. Which
is why a lot of these terms have passed on to the mainstream, and can be
heard by "yo boys and "wiggas" all over America. However, there probably is
an element of "Ebonics" infiltrating "black rap," so the two can't be
completely isolated. Remember: I called my chapter "Black Rap Culture" (the
implication being that Ebonics and black talk, new and old, are part of the
"Culture" surrounding Black Rap)...not "Ebonics" (and actually tried to
strike the joke below it--"Hooked On Ebonics"--but the editor wouldn't allow
it because they saw it as a nice timely "hook").
In addition, the "bad is good" inset (in my chapter on Black Rap Culture) may
be tired for you, madam, but it isn't for most Americans. This book wasn't
written for dialect phreaks, but for regular folks with no linguistic
training who are eager to learn of the vagaries of American speech. I've
lived on the road for 12 years, visiting many of the regions and inhabiting
many of the subcultures I covered in the book. I said right in the beginning
this is not a scholarly tome. There are far better trained authors out there,
who cover this ground better than I. My exact quote from the introduction is
as follows: "there is one salient advantage to this existence" [living on the
road]--"I've seen and heard a lot. I have caught the nuances of America's
hilariously, and amazingly wide, linguistic heritage. Other, better trained
authors can go on at great and fascinating length about the character of
various expressions as they cut across linguistic bioregions, or they can
trace etymology over centuries or make a cogent if a tad bit PC defense of
various kinds of 'street' slang. I am not interested in nor am I up to that
task. What I offer is a snapshot of a place, occupation, or culture. I don't
look exclusively for dialects or accents (though they are here too). Rather,
I look for colorful words and expressions, insider terms, the overall
rhetoric (both spoken and unspoken). If nothing else, this book should
clearly reveal how different kinds of Americans think by noting the way they
There's a lot more in that intro, which I encourage to read. It might even
inspire you.
In reference to the use of "be" in the interview, all I did was use the
example of San Francisco's "We Be Sushi" restaurant to showcase a tendency in
black speech that has spread beyond black culture. As in, "he be talkin' some
serious trash." If you, kind woman, have not heard such speech out of the
mouths of a black American, you are living in a vacuum. Not all or even the
majority of black Americans talk this way, but I have heard it quite often
from black Americans. In How To Talk American I called it as I heard it. And
that "be the truth." The reason the audience didn't laugh at this point in
the interview (discussion of Ebonics and black speech) is because I indicated
by my tone the subject just didn't interest me. I do believe they found other
parts of the interview quite true and hilarious, as evidenced by the flood of
positive emails I received after the show, and by phone messages indicating
the same.
To reiterate, How To Talk American is only secondarily about dialects. For
the sake of thoroughness, I tried to cover accents and dialects as best I
could, given my limitations. But my main interest is in terms that are
compelling independent of pronunciation--like "prairie dogging" and "that
dog'll hunt" and "Monet." All this other "foo-foo" I leave up to people like
you, darlin'.
So, you see, my friend, the issue is more complex than you make out. I'd
watch those kneejerk reactions. You have no concept what my "schtick" is.
It's only partially about "accents" and "dialects." And it's a helluva lot
about real experiences with real people using the American tongue (call it
stereotypical, but my stories are very specific to a place and often to a
specific set of individuals within a place or a subculture; I didn't do some
survey, or read it in a book). But I can see quite clearly ADS is
predominantly about accents and dialects (as the name implies). Which is why
I might take a sabbatical from this list, which tends to focus more on the
intricate minutiae of HOW we say things, rather than WHAT we, in fact, say.
As for the sales of my book being "pretty mediocre," it was a JOKE,
Lighten up!