Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 01:21:02 -0500

From: "Barry A. Popik" Bapopik[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]AOL.COM

Subject: Candid Camera

There is a "New Candid Camera" tv show, with Suzanne Somers and another

Funt (Allan Funt's son?). A "candid" camera was actually a "small" camera.

The phrase "candid camera" in Latin means "white vault"--which is no place

for Suzanne Somers.

OED has this from the New York Graphic of 11 May 1929. This is not an

antedate, but I'm sure I could find one. It's from WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST:

AMERICAN by Mrs. Fremont Older (1936), pg. 561:

Hearst was younger than his youngest editors and publishers. Within a

few weeks he was revolutionizing the pictures in his papers. He introduced

the "candid camera" from England which enables photographers to make unposed

indoor pictures in any light. He installed picture editors. He told them to

study moving pictures.