Date: Thu, 27 Nov 1997 08:01:05 -0000

From: Muhammed Suleiman xtr08[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]DIAL.PIPEX.COM

Subject: Re : 'Secret Languages'

Dear List Members,

I am doing some research at the moment into what we can call variously

'Secret Languages' or 'Language Games'. By this I mean languages similar to

Pig Latin or Back Slang where the syllables of a word are mixed up, or

where an extra syllable is added to each of the original syllables of a

word, in order to prevent others from understanding. These 'languages' are

usually, but not exclusively, used by children and/or youths.

I would be very grateful if my fellow list-members could give examples,

with details, of any such languages they mow use or used as children.

Many thanks in advance, and all of you out there, have a happy



Dr M. Suleiman