End of ADS-L Digest - 22 Nov 1993 to 23 Nov 1993 ************************************************ There are 8 messages totalling 244 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Query: "run over" (2) 2. Dialect Diversity? 3. diversity of accents (3) 4. testi 5. Forwarding ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1993 10:29:36 -0500 From: Mike Agnes Subject: Query: "run over" Query: LDOCE2 (1987) marks the phrasal verb "run over" with the symbol <->, indicating, according to the front matter, that "the object can come either before ["over"] or after it. But if the object is a pronoun . . . , it MUST come directly after the verb." As a speaker of American English, must I accept that this accurately describes British English? My American English, for example, permits both all of the following: She ran him over. She ran over him. She ran the idiot over. She ran over the dog. Can any speaker of British English confirm that only the second sentence above is impermissible in that national variety, and that the others are grammatical? Do any speakers of _American_ English sense differences among the sentences? (Some informants have detected different registers; others, the presence or lack of intent. Some find sentence three marginal.) Four notes: (1) We have one printed citation that we presume is from a writer of British English and that violates the LDOCE2 prescription: "She falls in love with Michael Edwards, a doctor who almost runs her over on May Morning, and then takes her to breakfast to apologize." (2) We note that LDAE retains the <-> symbol in the entry for "run over," implying that the restrictions apply in American English. We believe this is in error. (3) We note a semantic and syntactic distinction between the verb in the above sentences and the verb "run over" in a sample sentence in Quirk, Greenbaum et al., "A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language" (1985): The car ran over the bump. This is given as an example of a Type I prepositional verb, marked "by the inability of the particle to be moved to a position after the following noun phrase" as well as by the fact that "the order of particle and pronoun is different." The semantic difference is tellingly mirrored in LDOCE2's definition of "run over": "to knock down and pass over the top of" Bumps, unlike rabbits and other potential roadkill (all marked as animate), are not knocked down. Also, in American English the sentence *We ran the bump over. is either ungrammatical or a misprint. (4) We have not been able to check the treatment of "run over" in Anthony Cowie's second edition of the "Oxford Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs" (1993). Many thanks. Mike Agnes Internet: by91[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cleveland.freenet.edu Bitnet: by971%cleveland.freenet.edu[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cunyvm Fax: 216 579 1255