Date: Tue, 1 Nov 1994 09:03:34 -0600 From: Joan Livingston-Webber Subject: Relics Until CD's came out, I never noticed my own use of the word "album." I think it's because a cassette also has a flip side. With CD's all around, album (and flip side) sound weird. Well, my kids correct me! A stero is no longer a turntable + amp and speakers. With technology, relics don't have to go back a generation--or else a generation has become so foreshortened that we can live through, oh, a dozen or so generations in one lifetime. On a walk recently, I said, "That dog sounds like she's in an iron lung." And someone else said, oh I remember those. The relics are also in metaphors and similes, not just direct reference. -- Joan Livingston-Webber webber[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] "What gets better is the precision with which we vex each other." -Clifford Geertz