Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1994 20:47:45 HOE From: Alberto RIO Subject: set out Intern'l Herald Tribune, Nov 2, 1994, page 3d, says: 'A US spacecraft set out Tuesday on a mission to study charged particles that continously hurle from the sun and can black out cities and interrupt communications. The unmanned vehicle was launched from the Cape Canaveral Air Station in Florida, 10 miles from where the space shuttle Atlantis awaited a launching set for Thursday.' See 'launched' at the second sentence. Yours, Alberto RIO Fax.: +34 1 397-8599 Servicio de Cartografia, modulo de Geografia Phone: +34 1 397-3894 Universidad Autonoma de Madrid e-mail: Campus de Cantoblanco riogaral[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] E-28049 Madrid, Spain riogaral at emduam11