Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1994 21:23:16 +0100 From: Fuencisla Garcia-Bermejo Giner Subject: Re: dia de los muertos I believe that is another day, I mean "dia de los santos inocentes", the equiva equivalent of your fool's day. Here in Salamanca it is "Dia de los Santos" or "dia Dia de todos los Santos". It is a day of remembrance for our dead on es, the day in which we visit cementeries and clean grgraves and tombstones. It is also dthe day in which whe sae have marzipan cakes called "huesos de santo " ("gonesanint's (saints' bones) and "buenuelos" (cream or chocolate stuffed puffsp uffs). I The day before, Oc October 31st is "dia de las animas" in which we prayy for those souls that are still in purgatory. The re is to my nknowledge no egreeting expression equivalent to your "Happy Halloween" or "Trick or Treat" though I ustm must say that in the past four ofr foive years pubs and discos have started to have Halloween parties to cater to the nee"needs" of the increasing number of Amer ican studients that come to the special courses of our Span ish courses of my university and most young Salamanca people know what Halloween is. Fool's day is April 28th, I believe. Maria F. Garcia-Bermejo Giner Deptl. Lengua y Lit. Inglesas y Lit. Norteamericana Universidad de Salamanca. 37008 Salamanca, Spain.