Date: Sat, 12 Nov 1994 13:40:45 CST From: Mike Picone Subject: Re: Eighty-six Though I don't have an exact date, I can confirm that RU 486, invented in France, was produced there under that name long before it ever made it to American shores. The RU most certainly stands for Roussel-Uclaf, the pharmaceutical concern that introduced it. In birth control (and the controversy associated with aspects of it) many calqued expressions and many terms have crossed the Altantic in the other direction: planning familial, contraception (1929), contraceptif (1955), la "pilule", Operation Sauvetage, "Le Cri Silencieux", etc., but RU 486 is not one of them. It is a direct import from France. Here is a terminologically interesting passage from a pro-life pamphlet appearing in Sept. 1992: Un projet de loi socialiste visant a la depenalisation de l'auto-avortement, dont le seul but, au dela du rideau de fumee des bons sentiments, etait d'ouvrir la porte a la vente libre du RU 486 -- l'avortement-kit ou le revolver dans le tiroir de la table de nuit, selon l'heureuse expression du professeur Lejeune -- a ete repousse, grace au courage et a la lucidite du Senat essentiellement. On n'en a pratiquement pas parle. C'est pourtant une deroute pour les fondamentalistes du lobby pro-avortement. Mike Picone University of Alabama MPICONE[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UA1VM.UA.EDU