Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 15:52:00 PST From: Ellen Fennell Subject: Re: Suwanee I wonder about the name "Sewanee" aka University of the South located on the Cumberland Plateau in east Tennessee. Same origin? Ellen Fennell ---------- From: ADS-L To: Multiple recipients of list ADS-L Subject: Suwanee Date: Friday, November 18, 1994 12:23PM Back to this again ... Our library just got a copy of Joseph E. Holloway's _The African Heritage of American English (Indiana U. P., 1993). _Suwanee_ is listed under both Georgia and Florida place names as possibly of African origin. On page 115-116 they suggest that it could have come from Bantu _nsub-wanyi_ 'my house'. Apparently there was a large Black Seminole settlement near the mouth of the Suwanee until 1818, when it was destroyed during the Seminole Wars. There's also a town named Suwanee in Georgia, a little northeast of Atlanta, but there's no explanation in the book of how the name got that far north. David Johns Waycross College Waycross, GA