Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 14:04:28 -0500 From: "William A. Kretzschmar, Jr." Subject: Spring SECOL, 1995 Spring Meeting of the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, 1995 Spring SECOL will be held April 6--8 (1PM Thursday until the end of a lunchtime barbecue on Saturday) in Athens, at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. Early April is of course a beautiful time in Athens, usually the peak of the azalea and dogwood season. The conference will begin with an optional computer workshop at the Center (W. Kretzschmar) or a seminar on accessing Linguistic Atlas materials at the Georgia archival site (E. Johnson); the first paper session will begin in the middle of the afternoon. There will be a plenary by John Algeo, and a special session on Anthropological Linguistics chaired by Ben Blount, editor of *Journal of Linguistic Anthropology*. We hope to arrange an antebellum house tour at the conclusion of the meeting. The deadline for arrival of Abstracts in DECEMBER 5. Send 6 copies of an abstract not to exceed 300 words to Greta D. Little and Michael B. Montgomery, SECOL, Linguistics Program, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208. Abstracts should not contain the name of the author (to facilitate anonymous judgment); on each abstract put the title at the top of the page, and staple a card with your name, affiliation, address, and paper title to one of the abstracts. Assume 20 minutes' delivery time for the paper. Lodging is available at the Center, at $45-$55/night. The conference travel agent will be Gulliver's Travels (in Athens: 404-354-8747, 800-541-0807); flights are available direct to Athens (all via Charlotte on USAir), or to Atlanta with a ground shuttle direct to the Center in Athens. ****************************************************************************** Bill Kretzschmar (Host, Spring SECOL 1995) Dept. of English FAX: 706-542-2181 University of Georgia Internet: billk[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Athens, GA 30602-6205 Bitnet: wakjengl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]uga