Date: Mon, 21 Nov 1994 18:32:16 -0500 From: Silke Van Ness Subject: ADS at ILA - call for papers CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT ADS Session at ILA CALL FOR PAPERS ADS will hold a concurrent session at the 40th Annual Conference of the International Linguistic Association Date: from 1 pm Friday, through Sunday noon, March 10-12, 1995 Intercultural Center Georgetown University Washington, D.C. ILA Theme: Discourse and Text Analysis, however, papers from all areas of lingui stics are invited. Abstracts are invited for 20 minute talks. A one-page abstract, double spaced, c amera ready, in THREE copies should be sent to the Northeast Regional Secretary: Silke Van Ness Germanic and Slavic Lgs & Lits, HU 216 SUNYA 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222 phone: (518) 442-4122; email SV478[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cnsvax. ABSTRACTS must be received by Feb. 1, 1994 Registration fees (U.S. funds only): before March 1, 1995 (preregistration by mail): ILA and/or ADS professional member $30.00; student member $ 20.00 professional non-member $40.00; student non-member $30.00 after March 1, 1995 and on site: add $10.00 to above categories To preregister, send check or money order (US) payable to INTERNATIONAL LINGUIST IC ASSOCIATION to S. Van Ness at above address. Accommodations may be reserved directly with the Leavey Center of Georgetown at the rate of $109 single and $124 double per day: Leavey Conference Center, Reservations 3800 Reservoir Road Washington, DC 20057 (tel. 202-6873200) The ILA Conference Chair, Professor Ruth Brend, will be happy to arrange roommat es and will endeavor to provide information re less costly nearby accommodations (tel. 313-6 65-2787; fax. 313-665-9743; email ruth.brend[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]