Date: Tue, 22 Nov 1994 22:34:23 GMT From: "Warren A. Brewer" Subject: Pigtails snap poll 46;m;26;MD(0-12),HI(13-15),MA(16-18),CA(19-39),Taiwan(39-46);teacher pigtail,braid,queue;ponytail;pigtails,braids;gap ************************************************************************ The above is how I answered the following survey. Send data directly to me (ncut054 [AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] twnmoe10), and results can be summarized to the list. Names & e-mail addresses will be kept confidential, unless respondents indicate otherwise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Line 1: Respondent's background information (separate fields with semicolons). Field 1: Age 2: Sex (m or f) 3: Educational level (in years) 4: Residence(s)/timeline: Place(Age-span) (separate different residences with commas) 5: Occupation(s). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Line 2: Responses to the following questions (again, separate fields with semicolons). If you have no word for a concept, enter "gap". Field 1: What do you call one single plait of braided hair that hangs down the back? 2: What do you call it when the hair is clasped or otherwise bound into a single bunch so as to hang down the back like a horse's tail? 3: What do you call two plaits of braided hair that hang down the back? 4: What do you call it when the hair is clasped or otherwise bound into two bunches so as to hang down the back like two horse's tails? [End of survey]