End of ADS-L Digest - 22 Nov 1994 to 23 Nov 1994 ************************************************ There is one message totalling 28 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Hope this helps ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 24 Nov 1994 11:20:05 -0400 From: "Becky Howard, Department of Interdisciplinary Writing, Colgate University" Subject: Hope this helps I'm increasingly fascinated with the E-mail complimentary close, "Hope this helps," followed by the sender's name. I see this much more frequently in discussion groups rather than in personal E-mail. ThHope this helps" replaces the "Sincerely" of hard-copy mail. I'm simply curious about the genesis of this electronic equivalent of "Have a nice day." "Hope this helps" seems to refer more to the sender than the receiver or the topic; "Hope this helps" seems to translate as "I'm eager to be agreeable." When I've used it, anyhow, that has been the closest translation. Where--and when--did "Hope this helps" appear? And WHY? Do the members of this list see this in their discussion groups, or is it specific to the electonic discourse of my discipline, composition studies? Becky Howard Department of Interdisciplinary Writing Colgate University Hamilton, New York 13346 Phone (315) 824-7315 (O); (315) 691-5116 (H) FAX (315) 824-7121 BHOWARD[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CENTER.COLGATE.EDU