Date: Sun, 5 Nov 1995 15:03:04 -0600 From: Natalie Maynor Subject: ADS-L Anniversary It's hard to believe that ADS-L has been in existence almost four years now. It seems more like a year or two ago that Bill Kretzschmar, Rafal Konopka, and I stood there at a SAMLA reception talking about the possibility of starting an e-mail list for ADS. But it really was four years ago: November 1991. In spite of occasional spam, misdirected listserv commands sent to the list, and other such clutter, I'm still glad that we decided to make it an open list. I personally hate moderated lists and would rather put up with a little "noise" than with delayed clumps of mail that would result from running it as a moderated list. As I think I mentioned before, we decided to try it as an open list but without promoting it outside of the ADS. Although ADS-L has somehow managed to find its way into various lists of lists, I'm pleased and relieved that we haven't really had much of a problem with net-cruisers tossing bricks or cans our way. I think it's fine for people outside of ADS to subscribe and join the discussion if they're really interested. If they become interested enough, they will perhaps join ADS. I know of at least one person who did. Almost certainly there are others. I'm pleased that we still have a core of serious scholars contributing to the list in spite of our occasional ventures into what is more or less light chitchat. As the net grows and more newcomers arrive, I hope we can maintain the informal yet sometimes serious ambience. A reminder to those of you new to the list: Logs of back mail (except for the first year) are available via anonymous ftp from in pub/archives/ADS, via gopher from (#3 on first menu, #1 on second), via the web from --Natalie (maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]