Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 06:01:13 EST From: Sonja Lanehart Subject: Re: Political Blunder I still don't understand why the senator felt it necessary to repeat what the caller said. If he really did hear it as a racial slur I don't see why he would be so eager to repeat something like that--especially on a radio talk show where so many people could hear it. I also don't understand how repeating the slur was a way of reprimanding the caller. It seems a better rebuke would have been enlightening the caller about the inappropriateness of such a slur. ************************************************************************ SONJA L. LANEHART 300 PARK HALL OFFICE: (706) 542-2260 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH HOME: (706) 543-7598 THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA FAX: (706) 543-2181 ATHENS, GA 30602-6205 E-MAIL: LANEHART[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UGA.CC.UGA.EDU ************************************************************************