Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 11:00:49 -0600 From: Katherine Catmull Subject: Re: PC Language Wayne Glowka wrote: > We can't call the dorms > anything but "residence halls." Good heavens, what do they do to you if you slip up and call them dorms?? To my real topic: is the term "PC" still an insult? I ask because it's an expression I've never felt comfortable with and never fully, I think, understood. For example, in this discussion, I kind of like some of the terms & ideas listed as PC ("diversity," for example), and feel neutral about others (dorm ---> residence hall, checkup--->wellness check), while others (procurement-----> purchasing) strike me as foolish and comical. Does this mean I'm a hopeless lefty, or what? I guess what I'm asking is whether the term PC can only be used meaningfully within a group of people with essentially similar political views. I don't know whether this is the case; I'm genuinely asking. I should add that I'm familiar with the phenomenon of the politically narrow-minded. I recently played the role of Ruth in Pinter's _The Homecoming._ I was criticized by a conservative religious acquintance for playing a slut, and by a liberal acquaintance for performing in a play she considered misogynist. Both these readings of the play struck me as shallow and cripplingly limited; but is one "PC" and the other not? Why? And what about my other lefty and feminist friends who are for multi-culturalism but happen to like Pinter? _Is_ there a clear definition of what's "PC" (and bad) and what's not? Kate Catmull kate[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]