Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 22:08:45 -0500 From: James C Stalker Subject: Re: Turkish Language - Melungeon que > > In a November 12th edition of the Louisville Courier-Journal there is an > article on the Melungeons (a people of dark complexion and uncertain orgin > from the Tennesee-Kentucky-Virginia border) and it quotes Dr. Brent > Kennedy, author of THE MELUNGEONS, as saying that the word Melungeon "is > Turkish, meaning "Abandoned by God." " > > Is there such an expression in Turkish, and how close is it to sounding > like "Melungeon?" According to my Concise Turkish Dictionary, means 'God's spiritual dominion; creation.' In Turkish, it wouldn't sound much like 'melungeon.' > > He also says that "gaumy" meand "messed up" in Turkish, and that "guamed > up" is an old expression in areas where the Melungeons live. > (no dot over the i) means 'sorrowful, grieved; anxious.' I guess one could extend from there. I will seek further info. JCStalker stalker[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]