Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 11:19:00 -0500 From: Bob Haas Subject: Hannah Cowley (fwd) This query is a natural for the ADS-L. Can anyone help? Bob ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 14:14:11 -0500 From: Linda Troost To: Multiple recipients of list C18-L Subject: Hannah Cowley How does one pronounce the name of the author of _The Belle's Stratagem_? "Coolie" as in Abraham or "Cow-lee"? I recall that the two Roosevelt cousins, Teddy and Franklin did NOT pronounce their names the same way, so I am not assuming that there's one way. I never heard the name in grad school, so I have no pronunciation to pass on. Grateful for assistance, ltroost[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] [Internet] Linda Veronika Troost